Saturday, April 25, 2009

Time and Eternity Part 2

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light." and there was light. Genesis 1: 1-3
Or we could also say, "In the beginning God created space, matter and energy." I think I am a strange hybrid: a philosophical geek. I find it exciting to think of God speaking worlds, stars, angels and you and I into being. I'm still trying to understand the whole concept of time expanding as an object travels faster. But it would seem that would impact our understanding of how long ago the light from a distant star originated. It really could have been within 6,000 years!

The fourth dimension: Space, matter and energy are measured in units that we standardize so that we can communicate and record them. They occupy dimensions as we do--length and width, weight and power. Since the development of extremely precise atomic clocks we have seen that time is impacted by gravity and velocity, making it a fourth dimension. So the answer to the doubter's question, "Who created God?" is that God created time, and existed eternally outside time and space. He is not part of creation, He is the Creator.

The time parade: I like to think of my life in time as a parade. I might be sitting along the street watching as different bands or floats come into view. Or I might be in the parade, marching in a band, or throwing candy to people I pass. But whether I am passively watching or actively performing, I don't know what I will experience next until it comes into view. I think of God as flying above in a helicopter. He can see the whole parade, beginning to end. He knows what choices we will make from His eternal perspective. And whether I watch, or march, or fly, I must remember that the parade is finite. When it ends, I step into eternity to meet God. I won't be waiting for my loved ones to join me--they will be there too somehow, and we will know how it all worked out from our lofty vantage point way above the parade of life/time. We will see how our actions impacted God's plan for our lives and for others, where we succeeded and where we failed.


Lina Basile said...

I love how you think and write of time, a dimension that has always totally bewildered me. AS a mother to my boys I was chaotic, though they forgave me... endlessly. Now, as they move out of home I once again find myself at the mercy of this measurable and infinitely confusing dimension.Time

Julie Hedeen said...

Wow! Someone noticed what I wrote! And thanks--I heard a very interesting lecture about it from a man who had been (I think) an aerospace scientist military kind of guy, and then became a Christian and voraciously studied the Bible. That was his explanation of it and since I have some science background, I liked it. Because what makes it so interesting is that time is totally real and quantifiable, whether we can ever comprehend it or not. What I CAN'T understand is how God can be outside of it; yet there is no way an infinite God could be contained by time.